5) Website


Now we need to insert PHP that will take you location and change it into something easy to understand. I've written a script which you can download here.

Open the script in Notepad++ or similar.

You need to edit lines 20, 25, 26, 32 & 85

Go to Google and get an API key from here, once you have a key, add it to the URL

Insert the latitude and longitude of where your Google Home is, use a site like this

Go to Google and get a different API key, this time from here

You need your Webhooks key from IFTTT which you can find here, it provides you with a URL, the key is at the end after /user/

Customise what you want Google Home to say but leave in the variables that begin with $

If you used 000webhost then you can visit here and sign in, ensure you are in "public_html" on the left. in the top right choose "upload files" and upload index.php that you just edited (and saved!)


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